Winter ’22 Promotion

We are the largest strength and conditioning facility in Blackburn and the surrounding suburbs.

Our winter ’22 promotion is currently running and we offer amazing value:
– Free 3 Session Trial
– Free Coaching
– Free Nutrition Plan & 50% off your first fortnight (if you join)
*Expires 15th of September 2022.

Anyone can complete our workouts, and everyone should.

More than a gym.

A Community.

All our workouts can be modified so every single person can do a version of that workout. This is true whether the person is a highly tuned athlete or someone out of condition.

It’s true whether the person is healthy or sick.

It’s true whether the person is right as rain or dealing with significant injuries.

Our coaches care, our workouts are fun, and our members are awesome people to train with.




If you're new to CrossFit, we believe that your first session sets the groundwork for a lifetime of quality training. 

Your intro session starts with a 45 minute 1:1 consult, including:


Movement screening & analysis


Fitness history and goal setting - a chance for our coaches to find out what tools you have in your arsenal and what you're most excited to learn


Introduction to the CrossFit methodology, our processes, and foundational movements


A fun, moderate-intensity workout tailored to your current abilities


Never done CrossFit or functional training before? No problem, our coaches will guide you through each step of the process and customize all workouts to your needs.

New Trial Enquiry